In Lexington as in Heaven

5th Sunday March 30th
Service Times

Join us on for our weekly Sunday Morning service. Spanish translation services are available. FC Kids classes for birth-5th grade.
Weekly Spanish Service
Our midweek worship service is for the whole family! Go Student Ministries (6th - 12th grade) meet. FC Kids (birth - 5th grade) have classes. Come be a part of our generational night!
Upcoming Events.
Growth Journey
We are all on this journey of life and our ultimate goal is His Kingdom Come, His Will Be Done. Our goal is to see each person at FULL CIRCLE CHURCH run into the arms of the Father, and point their life in the direction of all He has for them. Wherever you’re at on your journey, we want you to grow and find community at Full Circle. Whether you’re exploring life and faith for the first time, or wanting to go deeper after many years of following Jesus, there’s something here for you.

SALVATION is to submit to God and what His plan is for your life. It is a turning from our old ways and turning to Jesus, to ask Him for forgiveness from our sins and to give us new life in Him.
If you are ready to give your life to Jesus, you can do it right now where you are by simply praying a prayer. Romans 10:9 says: “If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Simply ask: “Dear Jesus, I’m praying this prayer because I want you to have control of my life. I’ve been trying to live it on my own without you and for that I am sorry. I ask that you forgive me and I want you to be Lord. Help me Jesus. I want to give you my life. In Jesus name, Amen.
Congratulations! The way to Jesus is that easy – you just took the FIRST STEP in your path, your journey with Jesus. Let us know if you prayed this prayer by clicking the button below. We would love to get some resources to help you as you grow.
We are all on this journey of life and the ultimate goal is His Kingdom Come, His Will Be Done. Our goal is to see each person at Full Circle to hit these 5 goals.
1) Salvation
2) Water Baptism
3) Fresh Start Class
4) Baptism In Holy Spirit
5) Attend PATH- Serve

Water Baptism
Water Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision to follow and trust Jesus. Jesus was water baptized; therefore, Christians take this step to follow His example and to identify with His death, burial, and resurrection. We believe that water baptism is a public declaration that you are a follower of Jesus Christ and you are made new! It's a new chapter in your Journey. If you are ready to take this step sign up here.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
God has challenged us to pray that Believers will be filled with the Holy Spirit. There is a progression after salvation (being born of the Spirit) where you can have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (where you are filled with the Spirit). The Holy Spirit brings power and boldness. Being saved is likened to a cup filled with water and being baptized in the Holy Spirit is likened to submerging a cup into an ocean of water - it would be both filled and submerged! If you are hungry for the More that is talked about in Acts 19:6 begin asking God for it - it is a gift. If you want more information on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit let us know below.
The Path
The Path is a two-part experience that takes place the 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month at 10am. It is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, learn about your God-given gifts, and become a member of Full Circle Church. You will dive into the vision and heartbeat of the church and find where you belong.
Sign up to be a part of the next session of The Path.​
To Be Known For:
At Full Circle we want to fulfill the call that God has for this house. We desire REVIVAL in this generation. Our overwhelming prayer is "MAS" "MORE" LORD! We want more of His presence and more of His Glory. We want to see miracles, signs and wonders. We want to see Prodigals come home, to see those who walked away -- return. We believe the mandate on us in this season can be summed up in our 5 Values.

To Be a People of Prayer
That our prayers would go up as a memorial to the Lord and change a generation.

To Host the Holy Spirit
That our gatherings are open to how the Spirit wants to work, to partner with Holy Spirit when we gather.

To live a fasted lifestyle
To be disciplined spiritually, pushing the plate aside to earnestly seek the heart of the Father.

To Embody Diversity - to look like Heaven
That people from every nationality and every age group would be represented at FC

To Expand Heaven and Reach our Region
We want to LoveLex and the surrounding area. We will do our part in Outreach to impact those in need.

Our Pastors
Made for More
2024 has brought much growth to the church and we are needing more room. We are looking to move into our gym in the future. Your pledge/ contribution to the Made for More Campaign will make this possible.
-Painting the gym ($5k)
-New Flooring (12k)
-Stage Buildout (4k)
-Technology ie: sound, video, lights ($25k)
-Parking repair and expansion ($40k)
-Bathrooms added ($6k)